General Information uses company and auditor information that is available in the commercial register for each company as well as the information about auditors that is publicly available from the FAOA to compile statistics about the audit market in Switzerland.
We do our best in order to provide you with the most accurate data possible. However, in case you identify a record that is not correct, please do not hesitate to let us know through our contact form.
Are you looking for an analysis that is tailored to your audit firm, for example to acquire new audit clients or to understand the dynamics of the market in your region? Our comprehensive database of Swiss audit engagements allows us to perform detailed market analyses. Please get in touch with us to discuss your specific needs.
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The use of this website is subject to our terms of use and our data privacy statement. You can download both documents below (available only in German).
We are happy to help you in case you have questions.
Company Information GmbH
Aeschenthürlistrasse 29
CH-6030 Ebikon
UID: CHE-221.552.192 MWST
Tel. +41 44 585 31 99