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Lastest Auditor Changes

Company Name Domicile Engagement Start New Auditor Previous Auditor
Genossenschaft Lok-Remise Uster Uster 17.02.2025 Zahlenwerkstatt U. Willimann, Uster AT Avisio Treuhand AG, Illnau-Effretikon
Hans Streiff Stiftung Glarus 17.02.2025 UMBERG TREUHAND AG, Glarus Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Glarus, Glarus
Wohnbaugenossenschaft Viadukt Bern 17.02.2025 BDO AG, Zürich Keel Treuhand AG, Bolligen
Bernegger Holzbau AG Grabs 17.02.2025 Montfort Audit & Advisory AG, Buchs (SG) TEAG Advisors AG, Grabs
Association "ACTIFS" Carouge (GE) 17.02.2025 Fiduciaire JR Sàrl, Genève Swiss Audit & Fiduciary Services SA, Genève
FDS Distribution SA Thônex 17.02.2025 Trait d'Union SA, Genève SFD Swisscontrol SA, Carouge (GE)
ISG (Schweiz) AG Zürich 17.02.2025 Budliger Treuhand AG, Zürich PKF Wirtschaftsprüfung AG, Zürich
Stampfli Liechti Fleisch AG Fraubrunnen 17.02.2025 IKA - Treuhand AG, Bern Brand AG Treuhand und Revision, Bern
SIANA24 SA Les Genevez (JU) 17.02.2025 FIDAG Jura SA, Delémont CRF Conseil, Révision et Fiscalité SA, Delémont
J. & E. MAIER AG Gossau (SG) 17.02.2025 advanto wirtschaftsprüfung ag, Herisau Torgler Revision AG, Gossau (SG)
Stiftung für das Dr. Kurt Brunner-Haus in Glarus Glarus 17.02.2025 UMBERG TREUHAND AG, Glarus Finanzkontrolle des Kantons Glarus, Glarus
DOMOFEN SA Courgenay 17.02.2025 Berney Associés Audit SA, Genève BDO SA, Porrentruy
Natur konkret - G. Leutenegger AG Kreuzlingen 17.02.2025 OBT AG, Filiale St. Gallen, St. Gallen PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, St. Gallen
Wärme Mittelland AG Solothurn 17.02.2025 PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, Bern Ernst & Young AG, Bern
Collectif d'Associations Pour l'Action Sociale (CAPAS) Genève 17.02.2025 FIDUCIAIRE CHAVAZ SA, Carouge (GE) GAS Global Audit Services SA, Genève
Giada Ilardo AG Zürich 17.02.2025 Re-Vision Treuhand GmbH, Bassersdorf inVersa GmbH, Zug
Johann Renfer GmbH Lengnau (BE) 17.02.2025 Tschumi + Partner Revisions AG, Zollikofen FISTRA AG, Grenchen
SI Manufacture Reuge SA Sainte-Croix 17.02.2025 BDO AG, Biel/Bienne Intermandat S.A., Société Fiduciaire, Lausanne
TM Concept AG Aarau 17.02.2025 Arimec Audit AG, Schönenwerd Wirz Treuhand AG, Schöftland, Schöftland
Bohny Automobile AG Steffisburg 17.02.2025 CORE Revision AG, Bern T. Schweizer AG, Treuhand und Revision, Interlaken

Evolution of the Swiss Audit Market

The chart depicts the evolution of active limited companies (AG, SA) and limited liability companies (GmbH, Sàrl) and shows how many of them have a statutory auditor. The decline is strongly related to the possibility of an opting-out for companies with up to ten employees which was introduced in 2008. At the same time, the number of new company registrations has increased significantly over the last years, thus reducing the audit rate for limited companies and limited liability companies from around 64% in 2005 to currently less than 20%.