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Patronale Vorsorgestiftung der Reinhard AG

Core Company Information
Company Name Patronale Vorsorgestiftung der Reinhard AG
UID CHE-109.753.916
Domicile Bolligen (BE)
Legal Form Foundation
Status active
Inscription Date 14.03.1957
Accounting standard Swiss GAAP FER
Address and Contact Details
Address Gewerbestrasse 12
3065 Bolligen
Control authority Bernische BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht (BBSA) 
Oversight start 11.03.1957
Category Voluntary benefits institution
Local institute ID BEN.4247
Sponsor/employer Reinhard AG, Bolligen
Current Statutory Auditor
Auditor Name OBT AG
Auditor UID (Branch) CHE-323.201.462
Auditor Place (Branch) Köniz
Auditor UID (Head Office) CHE-109.029.855
Auditor RAB-ID 500149
Auditor Permission Type state-regulated audit firm
FAOA License active
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Auditor Overall Status OK

Extract last processed on: 29.03.2023 13:55:52, Last Update of Non-Auditor Information: 23.07.2020 11:04:24