Get a list of all entities where an auditor is elected as statutory auditor.

Client list for Bruno Baumgartner, Treuhand Solutions (CHE-487.286.579)

Number of clients: 4
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Federer & Partner Bauingenieure AG Zürich ZH Ltd 21.01.1997 07.05.2021 Zürich CHE-107.835.638
Friedrich Weinreb Stiftung Winterthur ZH Foundation 15.10.2013 05.02.2024 Zürich CHE-102.017.621
Karl Augustin AG Thayngen SH Ltd 20.06.2018 20.06.2018 Zürich CHE-101.674.058
Pensionskasse des Bistums Basel Solothurn SO Foundation 11.10.2021 11.10.2021 Zürich CHE-471.405.111

List generated on 03.05.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have Bruno Baumgartner, Treuhand Solutions recorded as statutory auditor: 3.