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Client list for FORVIS MAZARS SA (CHE-463.790.686)

Number of clients: 23
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Listed Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Alemnis AG Thun BE Ltd 16.07.2024 16.07.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.355.409
Biocon SA Delémont JU Ltd 16.04.2019 16.04.2019 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.270.606
DICAM SA Neuchâtel NE Ltd 16.08.2023 16.08.2023 - Neuchâtel CHE-106.831.000
Dixi Cylindre SA Le Locle NE Ltd 04.10.2022 07.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-102.694.879
Dixi Holding Le Locle S.A. Le Locle NE Ltd 04.10.2022 08.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-108.536.670
Dixi Medical Holding SA Le Locle NE Ltd 12.10.2023 24.07.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-284.382.808
Dixi Polytool SA Le Locle NE Ltd 04.10.2022 28.05.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-106.831.017
Dixi Services SA Le Locle NE Ltd 04.10.2022 07.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-110.338.553
Emile Egger & Cie S.A. Cressier (NE) NE Ltd 05.01.2024 20.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-101.524.594
ENROBIT S.A. Val-de-Ruz NE Ltd 29.12.2023 26.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-105.856.121
F. Bernasconi et Cie SA Val-de-Ruz NE Ltd 04.11.2022 25.07.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.476.527
Fondation Isabelle Hafen Neuchâtel NE Foundation 22.08.2022 15.03.2023 - Neuchâtel CHE-101.485.528
Fondation La Tène Hauterive (NE) NE Foundation 30.10.2019 28.11.2022 - Neuchâtel CHE-110.177.899
Fonds de prévoyance en faveur du personnel de Emile Egger & Cie S.A. Cressier (NE) NE Foundation 15.01.2024 17.06.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-109.769.107
Fonds de secours et de prévoyance de l'entreprise Emile Egger & Cie S.A. Cressier (NE) NE Foundation 15.01.2024 15.01.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-109.769.113
HIFI FILTER SA Val-de-Ruz NE Ltd 28.07.2023 28.07.2023 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.945.835
HIFI Group SA Val-de-Ruz NE Ltd 28.07.2023 28.07.2023 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.489.688
Jayanti SA Neuchâtel NE Ltd 22.12.2022 09.07.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-114.107.780
Lirom Chapes SA Le Landeron NE Ltd 05.12.2023 05.12.2023 - Neuchâtel CHE-103.860.235
Marksa SA Le Locle NE Ltd 04.10.2022 07.02.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-107.562.392
Nexans Suisse SA Cortaillod NE Ltd 04.06.2024 04.06.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-105.947.539
Rollier S.A. La Neuveville BE Ltd 06.10.2022 28.03.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-101.494.786
Société coopérative d'habitation d'utilité publique "La Renouvelle" La Chaux-de-Fonds NE Cooperative 02.09.2024 02.09.2024 - Neuchâtel CHE-174.689.305

List generated on 18.09.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have FORVIS MAZARS SA recorded as statutory auditor: 214.