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Client list for Giovanoli Treuhand AG (CHE-308.163.038)

Number of clients: 6
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Asbest Bauschadstoff Sanierungs AG St. Moritz GR Ltd 23.05.2022 18.08.2023 Samedan CHE-171.401.028
Elektro Plozza SA Poschiavo GR Ltd 06.09.2018 07.10.2021 Samedan CHE-493.835.655
Kieswerk Casaccia AG Bregaglia GR Ltd 05.04.2018 15.06.2023 Samedan CHE-107.903.895
PGF Holz & Bio AG St. Moritz GR Ltd 06.01.2023 06.01.2023 Samedan CHE-114.695.650
Società Anonima Sofice St. Moritz GR Ltd 21.09.2022 21.09.2022 Samedan CHE-100.559.302
Testa Bodenbeläge AG St. Moritz GR Ltd 08.06.2021 08.06.2021 Samedan CHE-114.905.770

List generated on 02.05.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have Giovanoli Treuhand AG recorded as statutory auditor: 0.