Get a list of all entities where an auditor is elected as statutory auditor.
Entity Name | Domicile | Entity Canton | Legal Form | Engagement Start | Last SOGC Publication | Auditor Place (Branch) |
Alder Baukran + Rückbau AG | Untereggen | SG | Ltd | 24.12.2021 | 21.02.2023 | St. Gallen |
Alder Gerüstbau AG | Untereggen | SG | Ltd | 23.10.1998 | 21.02.2023 | St. Gallen |
Alder Transport + Kranarbeiten AG | Heiden | AR | Ltd | 22.12.2000 | 15.03.2022 | St. Gallen |
ALL CONSULTING AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 12.08.1992 | 21.06.2024 | St. Gallen |
ALL SOLUTION AG | Wangen-Brüttisellen | ZH | Ltd | 14.04.2005 | 24.06.2024 | St. Gallen |
ALL VISION AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 16.12.1999 | 31.10.2023 | St. Gallen |
Alvarez Personal GmbH | Rorschach | SG | LLC | 15.10.2021 | 15.10.2021 | St. Gallen |
Alvaris Profile Systems AG | Oberriet (SG) | SG | Ltd | 14.05.2019 | 07.06.2024 | St. Gallen |
Anna Wilhelm Detailhandel GmbH | Horgen | ZH | LLC | 04.05.2015 | 04.05.2015 | St. Gallen |
Arcos Akademie für Kosmetologie GmbH | St. Gallen | SG | LLC | 20.03.2009 | 01.06.2022 | St. Gallen |
ASSO PERSONAL AG | Widnau | SG | Ltd | 31.01.2023 | 31.01.2023 | St. Gallen |
BauDicht AG | Dietlikon | ZH | Ltd | 08.04.2024 | 12.07.2024 | St. Gallen |
Baumont AG | Basel | BS | Ltd | 25.02.2016 | 09.09.2022 | St. Gallen |
Bedafa AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 16.01.2002 | 08.05.2019 | St. Gallen |
betterview AG | Winterthur | ZH | Ltd | 10.08.2022 | 02.09.2024 | St. Gallen |
BFE AG | Walenstadt | SG | Ltd | 19.10.2020 | 19.10.2020 | St. Gallen |
Bischof Anlagenbau AG | Waldkirch | SG | Ltd | 26.01.2007 | 07.09.2023 | St. Gallen |
BKM Customs & Consulting AG | Arbon | TG | Ltd | 20.02.2023 | 31.05.2024 | St. Gallen |
Bodenmann Immobilien AG | Waldstatt | AR | Ltd | 04.01.2011 | 04.01.2011 | St. Gallen |
Bogen Immobilien AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 11.09.2001 | 17.12.2019 | St. Gallen |
Bossart + Kuhn AG | Flawil | SG | Ltd | 09.04.2001 | 15.10.2020 | St. Gallen |
Bozkurt Handels GmbH | Schaffhausen | SH | LLC | 12.01.2016 | 28.05.2024 | St. Gallen |
BRESSAN BAUT AG | Arbon | TG | Ltd | 25.01.2001 | 12.07.2019 | St. Gallen |
BRIC Holding AG | Bonaduz | GR | Ltd | 23.06.2017 | 22.11.2022 | St. Gallen |
BRIC Immobilien AG | Bonaduz | GR | Ltd | 17.07.2017 | 22.11.2022 | St. Gallen |
BroVentures AG | Thal | SG | Ltd | 09.07.2007 | 11.12.2017 | St. Gallen |
Brugger Immobilien AG | Gais | AR | Ltd | 05.02.1993 | 30.05.2023 | St. Gallen |
Brüschweiler Holding AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 17.02.2017 | 17.02.2017 | St. Gallen |
Brüschweiler Immobilien AG | St. Gallen | SG | Ltd | 18.06.2001 | 18.06.2001 | St. Gallen |
BUFIS AG | Gossau (SG) | SG | Ltd | 15.12.2008 | 10.09.2024 | St. Gallen |
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List generated on 18.09.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have Treviso Revisions AG recorded as statutory auditor: 78.