Get a list of all entities where an auditor is elected as statutory auditor.
Entity Name | Domicile | Entity Canton | Legal Form | Engagement Start | Last SOGC Publication | Auditor Place (Branch) |
Carrosserie Locher SA | Salgesch | VS | Ltd | 04.12.2007 | 04.10.2021 | Sierre |
Constantin & Barras Electricité SA | Crans-Montana | VS | Ltd | 14.11.2001 | 20.10.2021 | Sierre |
ENGINEERING STRUCTURES TECHNOLOGIES SA (EST) en liquidation | Sion | VS | Ltd | 06.10.2010 | 15.06.2021 | Sierre |
Entreprise Vogel SA | Chippis | VS | Ltd | 24.06.1997 | 14.09.2021 | Sierre |
Fondation Dr René Liechti | Sion | VS | Foundation | 22.02.2010 | 14.06.2024 | Sierre |
Gomaro SA | Sierre | VS | Ltd | 03.12.1997 | 23.06.2006 | Sierre |
Philippe Perren Gypserie Peinture SA | Crans-Montana | VS | Ltd | 14.01.1994 | 26.09.2022 | Sierre |
TREVCapital Sàrl | Crans-Montana | VS | LLC | 16.09.2022 | 17.04.2023 | Sierre |
List generated on 07.10.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have BFR, Bureau Fiduciaire et Révision SA en liquidation recorded as statutory auditor: 32.