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Fact Sheet Arche Beratungs- und Revisions GmbH

Core Company Information
Company Name Arche Beratungs- und Revisions GmbH
UID CHE-108.533.016
Alternative / previous Names -
Domicile Solothurn
Canton SO
Legal Form Limited liability company
Inscription Date 20.12.1996
Firm Deletion Date 30.06.2008
Acquired by: KMU Revipartner AG (CHE-100.874.347)
FAOA Information
RAB Permission -
FAOA License unknown
Link to FAOA website n/a
Branch offices (0) -
Membership in Associations -
Number of auditors with permission -
Auditor Statistics

Average engagement duration: n/a years (max.: n/a years)

Total number of statutory audit engagements: 0 (Ranked #n/a in Switzerland)

Change in number of audit engagements: n/a (since 31.12.2024), - (over the last 12 months)

Related audit firms

Direct personal relationship:

Further connections:

Latest audit engagements
These are this auditor's latest audit engagements.
Client Name Client UID Domicile Start Date Type of switch Auditor Branch
Hotel Rondo AG CHE-113.837.108 Oensingen 03.10.2007 First auditor Solothurn
apixxo ag in Liquidation CHE-112.805.471 Zürich 10.03.2006 First auditor Solothurn
IBC Inplenion Business Consulting AG in Liquidation CHE-112.733.179 Zug 26.01.2006 First auditor Solothurn
Garage Baschnagel AG CHE-112.730.519 Oensingen 25.01.2006 First auditor Solothurn
Easy Clean Textilreinigung AG in Liquidation CHE-103.263.476 Dübendorf 18.03.2005 Auditor switch Solothurn
Discontinued audit engagements
The following audit engagements were lost recently, either to a competitor, due to auditor resignation or due to an opting out.
Client Name Client UID Domicile End Date Reason Auditor Branch
Zango Immobilien AG in Liquidation CHE-101.393.145 Solothurn 28.12.2009 Auditor switch Solothurn
Regio Energie Solothurn CHE-108.954.760 Solothurn 01.12.2009 Auditor switch Solothurn
IBC Inplenion Business Consulting AG in Liquidation CHE-112.733.179 Zug 18.11.2009 Auditor switch Solothurn
Easy Clean Textilreinigung AG in Liquidation CHE-103.263.476 Dübendorf 24.08.2009 Opting-out Solothurn
Steiner Metallbau Biberist AG CHE-102.325.838 Biberist 24.07.2009 Auditor switch Solothurn