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Fact Sheet FIGAS Revision AG

Core Company Information
Company Name FIGAS Revision AG
UID CHE-108.336.467
Alternative / previous Names FQM Figas Quality Management AG (until 23.03.2007)
Domicile Köniz
Canton BE
Legal Form Limited corporation
Inscription Date 26.06.1995
FAOA Information
FAOA ID 501511
RAB Permission licensed audit expert
FAOA License active (since 04.12.2007)
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Branch offices (8) FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-374.031.609) in Au (SG) (SG)   [+]
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-375.277.768) in Berikon (AG)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-434.269.306) in Brugg (AG)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-216.966.895) in Lachen (SZ)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-389.840.457) in Neuhausen am Rheinfall (SH)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-375.237.852) in Rapperswil-Jona (SG)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-425.158.524) in Reinach (BL) (BL)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-262.525.560) in Schwyz (SZ)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-384.192.757) in St. Gallen (SG)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-319.971.628) in Weinfelden (TG)
FIGAS Revision AG (CHE-424.165.898) in Zürich (ZH)
Membership in Associations EXPERTsuisse
Number of auditors with permission 9  (1.78 audit engagements per employee on average)
Auditor Statistics

Average engagement duration: 19.1 years (max.: 31.9 years)

Total number of statutory audit engagements: 16 (Ranked #189 in Switzerland)

Change in number of audit engagements: - (since 31.12.2024), -1 (over the last 12 months)

Details regarding the distribution of the audit engagements across legal forms and cantons are depicted in the table below.

Limited corporation 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 13
Foundation   2           2
Cooperative   1           1
1 5 4 2 1 1 2 16

This audit firm is recorded as statutory auditor for 12 deleted entities. These are not included in the table above.

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Audit Engagements by Branch Office

The 16 statutory audits are performed by the branch offices as indicated in the table below.

Köniz 1 5 4 2 1 1 2 16
1 5 4 2 1 1 2 16

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Related audit firms


Total number of audit engagements across the network: 1'659

Direct personal relationship:

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Latest audit engagements
These are this auditor's latest audit engagements.
Client Name Client UID Domicile Start Date Type of switch Auditor Branch
AML Automarkt Liestal AG CHE-107.999.381 Liestal 03.10.2017 Auditor switch Köniz
Cycling Emotion AG CHE-115.643.319 Liestal 17.06.2016 First auditor Köniz
Hutter Auto Thomi AG CHE-114.997.275 Frauenfeld 18.12.2014 First auditor Köniz
Keigel Immobilien AG CHE-101.967.141 Pratteln 19.06.2014 Auditor switch Köniz
Autobritt Grand-Pré SA CHE-230.869.802 Genève 23.02.2011 First auditor Köniz
Discontinued audit engagements
The following audit engagements were lost recently, either to a competitor, due to auditor resignation or due to an opting out.
Client Name Client UID Domicile End Date Reason Auditor Branch
Dista Vertriebs AG CHE-103.029.868 Burgdorf 16.06.2020 Opting-out Köniz
clearcarrep AG CHE-103.563.949 Burgdorf 29.06.2016 Opting-out Köniz
Garage Bolzern AG CHE-106.305.409 Kriens 23.06.2016 Auditor switch Köniz
Marché Brügg AG CHE-107.197.795 Brügg 22.03.2016 Auditor switch Köniz
Walter Aegerter AG CHE-113.343.579 Bern 24.02.2015 Opting-out Köniz