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ASANTE SANA, Association pour l'aide, les soins à domicile et la prévention de l'Est vaudois

Core Company Information
Company Name ASANTE SANA, Association pour l'aide, les soins à domicile et la prévention de l'Est vaudois
UID CHE-116.108.709
CH-ID CH-550.1.075.369-3
Domicile Montreux (VD)
Legal Form Association
Status active
Firm Inscription Date 20.10.2010
Address and Contact Details
Address Avenue du Casino 26
1820 Montreux
Current Statutory Auditor
Auditor Name MAZARS SA
Auditor UID (Branch) CHE-281.111.934
Auditor Place (Branch) Lausanne
Auditor UID (Head Office) CHE-107.861.311
Auditor RAB-ID 500241
Auditor Permission Type state-regulated audit firm
FAOA License active
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Auditor Overall Status OK

Extract last processed on: 03.11.2021 19:44:27, Last Update of Non-Auditor Information: 16.01.2024 16:09:55