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Banque Cantonale du Jura SA

Core Company Information
Company Name Banque Cantonale du Jura SA
UID CHE-105.905.618
CH-ID CH-677.8.001.538-9
Domicile Porrentruy (JU)
Legal Form Special legal forms
Status active
Firm Inscription Date 05.02.1979
Accounting standard Bank Law
FINMA authorisation(s) Bank
Branch offices (4) Banque Cantonale du Jura SA, in Delémont (CHE-473.247.811) [+]
Banque Cantonale du Jura SA, in Moutier (CHE-385.427.839)
Banque Cantonale du Jura SA, in Porrentruy (CHE-176.278.640)
Banque Cantonale du Jura SA, in Saignelégier (CHE-132.845.930)
Previous names Banque cantonale du Jura (until 27.04.2009)
Address and Contact Details
Address rue de la Chaumont 10
2900 Porrentruy
Listing Information

The shares of this company are listed on a public stock exchange.

Stock exchange SIX Swiss Exchange
Primary listing Yes
Segment Swiss Reporting Standard
Symbol BCJ
Valor number 35066567
ISIN CH0350665672
Index member SPI

For a more detailed analysis of the Swiss audit market for listed companies we recommend that you check out the annual Swiss Audit Monitor.
Outstanding bonds (only SIX)
0.625 BCJ 15-25
Symbol BCA15
ISIN / Valor number   CH0271737097 / 27173709
Coupon 0.6250%
Face value CHF 100'000'000
Term 04.03.2015 - 04.03.2025
Type of bond Bond
0.10 BQCJURA 20-31
Symbol BCJ20
ISIN / Valor number   CH0536893461 / 53689346
Coupon 0.1000%
Face value CHF 100'000'000
Term 26.10.2020 - 24.01.2031
Type of bond Bond
Current Statutory Auditor
Auditor Name KPMG SA
Auditor UID (Branch) CHE-269.292.664
Auditor Place (Branch) Lancy
Auditor UID (Head Office) CHE-106.084.881
Auditor RAB-ID 501403
Auditor Permission Type state-regulated audit firm
FAOA License active
Link to FAOA website View auditor profile at FAOA
Auditor Overall Status OK

Extract last processed on: 08.05.2023 20:26:12, Last Update of Non-Auditor Information: 05.04.2024 13:19:54