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Client list for Glaronia Treuhand AG (CHE-106.897.016)

Number of clients: 11
Entity Name Domicile Entity Canton Legal Form Engagement Start Last SOGC Publication Auditor Place (Branch) UID
Alfons Hophan AG Glarus Nord GL Ltd 05.12.1995 22.02.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-101.110.353
Braunwald-Standseilbahn AG Glarus Süd GL Ltd 26.02.2002 02.11.2022 Glarus Nord CHE-106.067.368
Feldmann Pneukran + Transport AG Glarus Nord GL Ltd 04.01.2001 24.03.2022 Glarus Nord CHE-101.514.414
Freihof-Garage AG Glarus Nord GL Ltd 30.10.2019 24.03.2022 Glarus Nord CHE-107.070.077
glarnersteg - Glarner Stiftung für Menschen mit Behinderung Glarus Süd GL Foundation 11.09.2008 26.10.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-109.032.780
lintharena ag Glarus Nord GL Ltd 17.11.2020 10.08.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-455.713.086
Raststätte Glarnerland AG Glarus Nord GL Ltd 13.06.1994 24.08.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-101.953.280
Ronner Nutzfahrzeuge AG Tuggen SZ Ltd 16.01.1997 25.03.2022 Glarus Nord CHE-106.893.521
RT Aktiengesellschaft Tuggen SZ Ltd 24.07.1996 25.03.2022 Glarus Nord CHE-103.504.645
Spitex Glarus in Liquidation Glarus GL Association 21.02.2023 15.06.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-133.885.205
VISIT Glarnerland AG Glarus GL Ltd 14.12.2018 07.07.2023 Glarus Nord CHE-160.555.727

List generated on 24.04.2024. Number of deleted entities (not included in the list above) which have Glaronia Treuhand AG recorded as statutory auditor: 17.